Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Large Survival Kit

Izzy at the blog The Florida Steampunker offers an alternative about what should go in a survival kit.

Preparedness: Large Survival Kit.

For a couple months now I've been meaning to totally restructure and replace my large survival kit. Now it's not exactly very large. But as my kits and needs go, it's considered large. Thanks to Best Glide/Adventure Survival Equipment having a lot of great products, I was able to accomplish the task.

One of the main problems I had with my old kit was the container. I didn't like it very much. When I ordered it I wasn't aware of how poorly made it was. Or how it really was far more round and limiting than it appeared. Fortunately the "Adventurer Survival Kit Box" works quite well. Basically a stepped up and rounded version of the old BCB Mess Tin. It's not rated as being capable of cooking or boiling water. But it does boast being fire proof and water resistant. I'm fairly confident that it's extremely water resistant.
Do take a list of what material go into this kit here.


Gloves are indispensable. 

  Do you wear gloves in the backcountry or on the trail?

I am finding that more often I am wearing gloves. 

At last year's Washington State Search and Rescue (SAR) conference one of the survival instructors commented that a serious cut to the hand can be very debilitating. 

 Nothing can ruin a hike quicker than a gash on the palm of one's hand. 

For spring, summer, and fall hikes I like doe skin gloves.  As the weather cools polyester liners are very helpful.  Goat skin gloves around camp are wonderful.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Ranger Bands

Click here to read my post on Ranger Bands at Seattle Back Packers Magazine.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Contours of a Topographic Map

 Contours are the thin brown lines that snake across a topographic (topo) map.  Contour lines connect equal points of elevation such that every point on a specific line will be at that elevation above sea level. 

Contour lines are distinct and separate from lines for roads, coordinate systems (e.g., latitude and longitude) and trails.  Man made features like roads and buildings are black.  Contour lines are brown.  By adding elevation data to the map contour lines provide a three dimensional view of the terrain. 

To read the rest of the post go here.

GPS Reception Problems

The following is an older post by Rich Owings from his blog, GPStracklog.com.

What to do about GPS reception problems

GPS satellite reception problemsIs your GPS not locking onto satellites? There’s usually a simple solution that works for both auto and handheld GPS units, but first, let’s look at why this is happening.

To read the rest of his post go here.