Sunday, February 27, 2011

Remaining Calm

Leon Pantenburg's web site has another article about what to do in the backcountry when you are lost.

Lot's of good info in the article.  It is a 2009 article from the Billings, Montana Gazette.  Interviewed in the article is John Gookin, the National Outdoor Leadership School instructor. 

My recommendations would include adding a small shelter that is wind proof and water proof and a short discussion on just how much wood to gather for that warming fire.

Wood burns up quicky when you have a warming fire going all night.  A few years ago I was helping out with a Northwest SAR teams survival overnight training mission.  SAR team members were to bring the gear that they carry on a mission.  Lots if interesting and fine ideas.  One team member had a fire pit that was roughly three feet long and two feet wide.  Before we turned in, this team member had a large stack of wood.  That night temps dropped to 5° (F).  The next morning he told me that his wood supply ran low by midnight and he made several forays into the area around his camp during the night to gather more wood. 

Read the article here.

Visit Leon's website at:

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