Sunday, April 24, 2011

GPS Electronic Compass

A tip to keep your GPS performing to the design specs.

If you have a new GPS check the owners manual to see if you have an electronic compass.

Some models have a compass page but don't have a true electronic compass.  Models such as the Etrek (basic), Venture, Magellan Sportrack have a compass page but the direction information presented is based on movement and satellite data received.

Models such at the DeLorme PN60, Garmin 60CS/CSx, Vista, Garmin62 have electronic compasses.

Compass Page
If the compass data presented when you are returning to a destination looks questionable you might need to calibrate the compass.  For example, if you can see the destination (e.g., a red tent) and the compass is 20 degrees "off." I would then check the calibration.

If I have changed the batteries in my GPS compass calibration is required.

Here is how it's done with a Garmin GPS receiver.

Press the page button to get to the compass page.

Then press the menu button one time.

The page menu will give you several options and in this case select calibrate compass.

You will then receive an on screen prompt to calibrate the compass.  Now you just follow the directions.

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