Monday, May 9, 2011

Rita Chretien Survives 49 Days in the Backcountry

rita-and-albert-chretien-2010jpg-ed4ea8353fd0bde1.jpgRita Chretien was found on Friday afternoon in a remote area of northern Nevada after going missing for 49 days. Her husband, Albert Chretien is still missing.
By surviving 49 days in the wilderness, 56-year-old Rita Chretien has astonished survival experts. 

"I'm blown away," said Brian Wheeler, who is president and founder of the Northwest School of Survival in Sandy, Ore., a company that teaches survival classes throughout the Northwest.

In what some may call the best Mother's Day ever, her prolonged stay in a remote area of northern Nevada is a surprising feat of human endurance, one that Wheeler attributes to the shelter of the couple's 2000 Chevy Astro van and her attention to hydration. 

Wheeler, who has taught survival classes for more than 30 years, has trained near the remote high-desert area where the couple's van was found. With heavy precipitation, the area is harsh, he said, and even the most experienced survivalist would be challenged there, let alone survive for nearly two months. 

"She did a lot of things right -- enough things right -- she stayed with the vehicle, she stayed hydrated, rationing whatever food she did have and she didn't panic," he said. 
To read the complete story go here.

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