Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Oregon - Surviving and Earth Quake and Tsunami

Direct from the state of Oregon.

NEWS RELEASE: February 28, 2012

Is your family ready to survive an earthquake and tsunami?

Portland, Oregon: Recent earthquakes offshore of Japan and Chile and the
Haiti earthquake remind us that we live in an unstable world and that
everyone needs to be prepared for natural disasters. Scientific evidence
suggests that there is a 10% probability that a Cascadia Subduction Zone
event offshore Oregon will happen in the next 30 years.

To help raise awareness, Governor Kitzhaber has proclaimed March 2012 as
Earthquake and Tsunami Awareness Month in Oregon.

You cannot prevent the next earthquake, tsunami, or other disaster but you
can get ready. Even under the best of circumstances, medical aid and first
responders may not be able to reach you for hours, or even days. In a
disaster, local resources can be overwhelmed. Japan is the most
technologically-advanced country in the world, but two weeks after the
earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011, some areas were only just being
reached. It is our responsibility - as individuals, families, neighborhoods
and communities - to reduce risks beforehand, prepare for the critical
period immediately after the earthquake or tsunami and to make sure that
planning for disasters has the high priority it deserves.

Have you made sure that your family, friends, and neighbors will survive if
an earthquake or tsunami strikes?

The Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) is funded
by the NOAA National Tsunami Hazards Mitigation Program (NTHMP) to mitigate
tsunami risk in Oregon by accurately mapping the tsunami inundation hazard
zone, increasing awareness of where the zone is and what the warning signs
will be for the approaching tsunami, and enhancing formal preparedness and
evacuation planning with local authorities and stakeholders through its
Tsunami Outreach Oregon campaign. Many events are planned for March -
participate and learn how to be prepared!

Calendar of Earthquake and Tsunami Outreach Events on the Oregon Coast:

Online tsunami evacuation maps and tsunami zone map viewer:

Living on Shaky Ground: How to Survive Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Oregon -
from Oregon Emergency Management

The 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami: Lessons for the Oregon Coast - DOGAMI

Contact Information:

For more information about DOGAMI's tsunami program and activities, contact:

Ian Madin, Chief Scientist
Oregon Department of Geology
Ian Madin, Chief Scientist
(971) 673-1542

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