Friday, June 22, 2012

Book Review: The Cave and the Sea

Here is a review on a new book by my friend Leon Patenburg.

There is too much fiction in the preparedness/wilderness survival area, passed off as fact, and written by people with little or no knowledge of the subject matter. But The Cave and the Sea, a Novel by John A. Heatherly is up-front fiction, a good read, and you might learn something from it.

Before there was the written word, there was a whole area of unrecorded history we can only guess about. There are some oral legends that survived. (I remember reading “Beowulf,” in college. It is one of the first such recorded legends, and we had to read it in the original Olde English. As a reading nerd and Journalism/English major, I thought the piece was kinda cool.)

The Cave and the Sea is a historical novel, by John A. Heatherly, about Native Americans in the 1600s.
The Cave and the Sea is a historical/survival novel about Native Americans in the 1600s.
But historical fiction, which is loosely defined as a story based on fact, can be really useful to help us learn how prehistoric people survived and thrived under adversity.

To read the rest of Leon's review go here.

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