Saturday, April 26, 2014

Calibrate Your GPS Receiver's Electronic Compass

Keeping your GPS receiver's electronic compass is critical.

Recently I held a GPS navigation seminar at a Sportsman’s show in Central Oregon.

At one point during the seminar one man described the inaccuracy of his GPS and asked what he could do about it.  He was frustrated that on several occasions while returning to camp the GPS compass arrow (while in the “Find,” “Where to” mode) was providing unreliable information.  He’d arrive in camp and the receiver would direct him in a new direction and distance.

As he related his story, I noticed that several other attendees nodded in agreement that they too had the same problem.  I asked the fellow if he had ever calibrated the electronic compass.  “Yes, when I first got the GPS,” was his reply.

When I explained that the electronic compass should be calibrated after EVERY battery change, the group’s response was one of surprise.

To read the rest of the post go here.


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