Baseline navigation is a fundamental map and
compass skill. It is a process of using
terrain and land features to the hiker’s advantage.
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Returning to a baseline is a pretty
straight forward concept. The idea is
that you leave camp from a known location and strike out in a specific
direction such as North, or 000°. When
it is time to return aim to the left or right of camp (like 165°T), hit the
logging road camp is on and turn right.
That is the concept but there is a bit more to it.
Let’s go over the tools you need and the
process of how it works in more detail.
The essence of backcountry navigation is to
keep it simple. If you are new to
compass navigation, having a compass that can be adjusted for declination keeps
things simple.
(Though the red magnetic
needle still points to magnetic north, the rotating dial (that has been
adjusted) now provides information in degrees true. A compass that is aligned to degrees true now
works well with the traditional topographic map that is oriented to degrees
true as well. Take a look at June
Fleming’s book Staying Found or visit
The next tool is your map. USGS topographic maps and National Geographic
maps of the major national parks are great examples of what works well in the
backcountry. (Let’s leave the Gazetteer
or AAA road map at home.) I’ll also carry
a copy of the Forest Service or BLM map because they will provide a broad overview of the area.
On the map, locate what will be the base line. A baseline can be a road, river or
trail. Key to the selection is that
you want a baseline of sufficient length.
It must also be obvious when you approach the baseline; it needs to be
distinct. Do not overshoot the baseline and keep on walking.
So let’s take a look at a map and develop a
The red arrows on the map above point to a road. This road travels in a
general direction of Northwest - Southeast.
Further, the road travels for many miles in either direction.
Think of the baseline as a geographic
boundary. The baseline is designed to
keep the hiker within a specific area.
The map above is of the same location
but it has been zoomed in for clarity.
Notice the location of camp to the east of
the baseline; the road. Notice that the planned destination has
been added. The destination is to the
Northeast of camp. Roughly the
destination bears 070°T (T for degrees true) from Camp.
The intent now is to travel from Camp to
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At this point, adjust the compass such
that the adjustable outer dial is rotated to 070°T and is
aligned with the direction of travel arrow or index line.
Now proceed towards the destination. You have the option of looking down range in
the direction of “Destination” or monitoring the compass the entire length of
the hike; that is a bit tedious.
Note that in a hike such as this you
are going to the general location of the area you want to be in. If you decide to go to a specific, defined
location you must triangulate with a compass to fix your position, use pace count or use a
It is the return hike to camp that
will take advantage of the baseline. Rather than trying to go directly back to
camp offset the direction of travel to the south. Roughly one will travel in a
direction of 230°T.
The key point is that the hiker will
knowingly head south of camp to intersect the baseline.
Of course the option of going north of camp
on a direction of 280°T could be considered too.
Upon arriving at the baseline turn
right and follow the road back to camp.
That’s it.
Remember the cautions mentioned earlier:
- The baseline
must be of sufficient length.
- The baseline
must be obvious when you reach it.
If you are in an area of multiple trails or logging road think
carefully if your choice is going to work for you.